Lisa Irwin Update 10-3-2012 Looking back one year later

Baby Lisa is still missing, we still have no answers. An early AC under 3 degrees renders the chart unreadable and says I should not try to read it because I am likely to be wrong or misinformed. With the Moon in the 5th house we see that baby Lisa was very socially active that day and likely had been going to parties, and getting together with others out side of her family. Due to Capricorn ruling we could say the people are old or not of the best character, Capricorn is the sign of old people how ever it is also the sign of abusive and authoritarian people in horary. With bad aspects this could show an abusive person with dependency issues having access to the baby.. Likely this is a person known by the parents and from the same social circle with a 5/6th house connection.

With the moon ruling the 11th house of friends, and groups I would definitely say social circle is emphasized here. With Pluto being the last planet crossed by the moon that highlights the influence of Pluto's energy. Pluto is also at 4 deg. Capricorn conjunct the cusp of the 5th house opposite the 11th house cusp would also indicate a tie to some one with connections in the underworld. This often brings about major changes.

Lisa's ruling planet Mercury is besieged between the Moon who is the 11th house ruler and Saturn the 5th house ruler, indicating an abduction that likely involves two to three people. Highlighting the issues of these houses. They are all in Via Combusta often indicating abrupt changes that will alter the situation and/or bring an unfavorable outcome for the Querent. I have seen many people come home safe when their planets are in this area of the chart though and usually don't pay it much attention.

Pluto lets off a square to Uranus in the 8th house likely showing the unexpected separation and the sharing of finances, or a loan. This person may boast about himself or the abduction of the baby, constantly trying to prove him self to others in an attempt to appear hard core. HE is a promiscuous, competitive, gambler who enjoys taking risks. This person makes the same mistakes over and over again never quite learning his lesson.

This person might be difficult to domesticate, has exaggerated "masculine" or "macho" traits, including an insatiable need to "hunt" for women or animals. Probably funny, loves to joke around, enjoys practical jokes. How ever this person is also NOT responsible enough to take care of a baby, very accident prone and could be to careless with her. Between 25-35 years old, probably been in trouble for black mail or such before.

What do you guys think happened to Lisa? What are your feelings surrounding this case? 


  1. ES,

    An early degree is not unusual for a child this young, and Lilly says if there are no other restrictions, it is ok to read.

  2. Good to know, thanks. I typically don't follow all of the strictures and often read charts that aren't fit to be judged any ways. I will admit that those charts are often more likely to be wrong though.


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