Ayla Reynolds missing 12-17-2011 8

This is an updated reading on Ayla, I used the wrong time and day for the last reading I put up. I am grateful that Grace4Ayla from gracewilsonastrology.com pointed this out for me. I have changed over charts so that I can give a more accurate reading. Grace has an awesome blog BTW if you follow Alya's case you should check it out it looks like she has a lot of info up. In this chart I am using police response time to draw up the chart. Mistakes happen, but unfortunately now I am much more educated on the case and have to be careful as not to allow what I know to affect my reading.
In an attempt to determine what happened to Ayla before police response I am examining the separating aspects within the chart. This shows us the chain of events that have already occurred within the home that night and what might have happened to little Ayla.With Capricorn the sign of discipline on the cusp of the first house I feel a little disheartened. It is a hard sign, unlucky, and full of struggle. I don't like to see it rise in the chart of a child with a history of broken bones and injuries that were frequently occurring prior to her disappearance.
With the Moon and Mars in Conjunction in the 8th house around 1:30 am we can see that emotions were not to stable, I doubt anyone was getting much sleep. There was probably anger in the air and arguments happening that easily could have turned into physical aggression. Mars and the Sun are in a square indicating it is likely that there was an argument between Justin's mom and his girlfriend that night. As Mars is the planet that would rule Justin's girlfriend, the sun rules Ayla's grand mother and the nature of Ayla's death.
The Moon Mars conjunction is often a sign of physical injury in predictive astrology and if I saw it in my client's chart I would recommend as an astrologer that the person who is going to have this conjunction be careful of fire, sharp objects, accidents, and head injuries. I believe that it is possible there might be some strain with the girlfriend and Justin's mom as stated earlier, but this square could also indicate the involvement of the girlfriend and signify she and Ayla grated on each others nerves.

The trine between Mercury and Uranus can often indicate travel, technology, and innovative, forward thinking. In this chart Mercury rules the 6th house of Paternal Aunts and uncles (3rd from the 4th) It would show Justin's sister is ruled by the planet Mercury. Is it possible that Justin's sister could be involved here? Did she feel afraid for Ayla and try to protect her by getting in touch with people who could help her and take her out of an abusive home? The square to Neptune shows us that there is deception or mystery surrounding Justin's sister. It is a positive aspect and the south node conjunct the 6th house cusp could show that the sister is more involved or knowledgable than one may think.

Is it possible that while Justin and his GF were fighting Ayla was put in the car and disposed of? Did his sister take the opportunity to get baby Ayla out of a bad situation during their fight and into a more suitable one? Does the Conjunction indicate Ayla was brought together with her Biological mom (also ruled by the tenth house) at a grandmother's house? I sure hope so, and I like the sound of that way better than our first scenario. However neither appears to be possible in my opinion. I try to remind myself that the 8th house is not always all about death.

The aspects to Venus the planet that rules the father Justin would show him not having the best relationship with Ayla. Too strict, and easily annoyed by the baby to really take on the role of being a parent, still self centered and worried with his own self. His girlfriend doesn't appear to wild about Ayla either and seems to think that she is a spoiled child and that Ayla is taking Justin away from her, They don't like each other, Ayla and the girlfriend.

Other than the Luminaries lacking in essential dignity which is typically considered negative there are a few other negative things: Saturn in Via combusta and conjunct the Arabic Part of Self Undoing
The 8th house ruler is the sun lacking in essential dignity. Sun is in the 12th house terms of Mars making a bunch of stressful aspects. Moon rules Ayla and is conjunct Mars in the 8th house,
Pluto is conjunct the AC (not traditionally used in horary though) often Pluto will represent a transformation such as death, or major life changes.

Ayla's other ruling planets Jupiter and Saturn are opposing one another in the 3rd and 9th houses of travel. I hope she is traveling in comfort, she is a darling baby. I pray she is coming home safe, there is really no obvious answer here that indicates a death but some things indicate it is possible.
