Sky Mettalwala

The story of Sky Metalwalla is a strange twisted mystery that has never been solved as the information came out the story was even more and more suspicious and bizarre. No answers, closure, nothing remains but a lot of questions. This story starts off differently than we might expect, it starts with a Beautiful successful young couple who had two beautiful kids, a beautiful house, and what appeared to be love. They had what we all seem to want by nature.

The children were named Mallie and Sky. On the surface every thing and every one looked perfect. Beautiful family, beautiful home, what on earth went wrong? The father claims that Julia the mother lost her mind and snapped. She was Obsessive compulsive, and wouldn't even allow her family to eat in their home. This deranged behavior was what put the stake in the heart of their marriage according to Solomon Sky's father.

Eventually they went their separate ways with Julia Sky's mom claiming she and the children were being abused by Solomon their father and Solomon of course denying the allegations. He was barred by the courts from having a relationship with his children and then roughly one year later Julia ran out of gas leaving Sky alone in the car for an hour with the doors unlocked in the middle of Bellevue. When she returned baby Sky was gone, every mom's worst fear.

Well OK almost every mom that is, except Julia who was apparently not worried or she would have at least bothered to take him with her, or even lock the doors. Right? I still sit here all these months later though and wonder why she left him and took her daughter. I wonder where on earth Sky is at and what happened to him.

Of course I have my own opinions of what happened to him, and they largely rely on my readings in regards to this case. I must remember though that just because I, and many other people would NEVER even leave a dog in a car doesn't mean other people feel the same, or practice the same values as myself. Just because she left them alone doesn't mean she killed him. In many cultures this is acceptable practice and a way of life.

This was a family who had gotten into trouble before for leaving their children in the car and unsupervised and it wasn't just Julia, but her husband as well who left them in the car. At one point this mom left her children home alone for eleven hours during mediation for custody of her kids just days before Sky went missing.

I can't imagine what a four year old and two year old would do alone for eleven hours, I do know though as a mother that they would not be up to anything good and the results of such a situation could be fatal. head injuries can take days to kill a person I think three? He could have fallen while unsupervised or something.

The moon represents Sky and so does the planet Jupiter. The moon is in the late degrees of the last sign in the Zodiac and conjunct the fixed star Scheat. Scheat brings on a unfortunate or bad energy and is negative in nature. Seeing this star active is very unsettling.

With the moon in the last degree of the last sign of the Zodiac it represents final endings such as death. Pisces rules fluid any water, medication, poison, alcohol. This increases the risk of Sky drowning, over dosing, or being poisoned. Sadly in this reading due to the position of the moon it would seem to me that Sky was gone before any of this drama was ever stirred up.

He had passed away before the cops were ever notified of him missing likely at least the day prior to his "disappearance". Not only is the moon, one of his ruling planets conjunct Scheat an awful star but also conjunct the Arabian part of treachery showing some thing negative happened, or that he was some how betrayed. The moon is also peregrine which means that there were no major aspects completed before the moon left Pisces, and this shows that it is already to late for me to try to help at all with this situation. It is already over before it even starts.

Jupiter also rules Sky because it rules the first house and Jupiter is also conjunct a malefic fixed star called Sharatan. I have never seen so many Arabic part conjunctions and that makes me worried, and I doubt that Sky was even alive at all on the day of the 6th at. It is looking to me like he died the previous day at some point, was put in to the car, and then moved by some one else while his mom and sister went to "Get gas", then they came back and sky was "missing".

I can see by the tight Mercury and Venus conjunction that some one of no relation to sky was helping Julia, and helped her move Sky. Likely this is some one who she had been considering getting into a relationship with, or having some secret relationship with. I do think that Sky passed suddenly, but I can't say that I think it was some calculated homicide, just more of an accident.

Due to the strong opposition of Mars and Neptune Sky was at risk for accidents with liquids such as medication, poison, water, baths, alcohol, how ever this aspect can open the door to deception and unexpected attacks too. Sadly due to the modality I can't say that this will be a speedy process in the closure dept.Closure is something we might never have with this case. I hope to be wrong, it has happened before.

This is the second or third reading I have done on Sky none of them have been positive. I hope that he is brought home safe. This is such a confusing case, and my brain goes into so many different directions when I look to see where he is in the chart. Distance can be so unreliable, some times it can be so right on though.

From the position of the moon I would imagine that he is near water that might be kind of hot, or warm. Easterly and tword a boundary or border about 28 miles away from the car.
