This person she is distressed by is likely a relative or some one that was like a relative that she was angry with, disappointed with, or just in general irritated with at the time. I would wonder why she argued with any one and recommend it be examined. She may have felt this person was just asking too much of her. Expecting to much responsibility of her at home and being unfair.
In reality that is not the way the situation really was it just appeared that way to Paige at that time. I know she looks grown up, has a child, and is very beautiful but she is still just a kid and sees the world differently that it actually is. Sadly she doesn't realize she is not grown, and is too independent for age from what I see in the chart. She is desperately needing adult guidance, consistency, praise, and support because she is so vulnerable right now and at the end of her rope with the way things are and have gone for her. There is a feeling of resentment and betrayal tword another for the problems she is encountering. I could see how she might feel like leaving would be best for her, but in my own opinion I don't think she would still be gone 2 years later and making it on her own. I feel like she is passed when I think logically about Paige.
This female relative or figure was probably a negative influence on Paige in many ways through out her life, and in turn affected her behavior and attitude about various things. Paige had likely known her long enough to have been conditioned by her mentally as a child. She had acquired negative habits and depressive thought patterns from this person.
Paige was seeking personal security and approval in the outer world, and was disappointed about some thing to do with money and this woman. These things could have been financial aid, religious linked, school, even Identity theft or credit fraud could have been an issue she encountered. These are just some examples of what could have occurred with this opposition.
With Both of the Luminaries seated in the Angular houses of 4 and 10 in opposition and ruling Paige you can almost see this inner world and outer world struggle. She is grappling with the outter struggles of the world and her public image which all stems from an estrangement from this woman and abandonment issues. She might feel inadequate, unloved, and have low self esteem deep down in side.
The struggles she is having with the outer world due to her inner world, home, and personal life can be seen so clearly in this chart. She is not quite sure where she is supposed to fit in, and doesn't feel quite at home with others any more. She is just trying to find her own way in the world and is feeling like she is inferior to other people for some reason, alienated and like she has no support or people that can relate to her.
The sun in the 4th house would show Paige living with grandma (Saturn) and struggling with issues surrounding her mom (I think - not a fact), a recent change in relationship dynamics has occurred for Paige this could be a falling out with a long term boy friend or some thing else even.
Now I don't mean in any way that I think her mom killed her so please don't think that. I think Paige might have been having relationship issues with her mom as many teens often do, or might have picked up some relationship patterns from her mom and dad that she felt resentful tword her mom for. Her mental state at the time was not very strong and stable. She is depressed seriously and should see a doctor but instead is partying like a rock star which is only making her more mentally unstable. This is not any one's FAULT from the looks of the chart, sadly she was just not well at this time. Yet does appear alive and contemplating suicide. she is dangerous to her self and is starting to just not care anymore about what happens.
With the Sun at zero degrees things are critical like a war zone around Paige, she could have been in a situation that was volatile and uncomfortable. It does not mean she is injured or harmed but was in an uncomfortable location with a lot of hostility and arguing around her. With the sun being in the fourth house in the sign of Libra this situation would show relationships at home or in the domestic scene being a little uncomfortable or troubling. Argumentative or unexpected things have room to occur with Uranus involved in this mix.
She might have felt this environment was restricting her in some way and felt the urge to break free or make a drastic change according to the chart. How ever logically I don't believe that Paige would just leave and walk away because Paige was a mom and I don't think she would leave her child behind.
Sadly it appears totally possible that she might have been considering suicide or might have been putting her self in bad situations. With the opposition to the moon from the sun it could show a bad reaction to fluids such as drugs or alcohol.
It appears she is in or near water, a church, hospital, places ruled by Pisces and probably to the South of her home. Breweries and distilleries could be included here too. Again these are just examples of places Paige could be at according to this chart, examples of things ruled by the sign of Pisces. If any one is curious, or searching for her I would recommend looking up locations ruled by Pisces, things ruled by the moon, Jupiter, and Uranus. Mix them all together and think of what that might represent. She is behind something too possibly because of the leaving one sign and going into another. It could indicate that she has fallen between some thing or is behind something like a wall.
Now the moon also rules Paige and we can see it is just leaving the sign of Pisces, the last degrees of the last sign of the zodiac in conjunction with Uranus (8th and 9th house ruler) and Jupiter. It seems possible for her to have come into some money or be given some money or opportunity with the conj. to Jupiter but unfortunately it is retrograde so things do go the way they should, and something takes an unexpected or weird twist and Paige ends up being affected by choices of others people or from chance circumstances.
With the Moon going into Aries it shows that it is time for a transformation, like water becomes Ice Paige becomes something else and starts right at the beginning of the Zodiac again in the sign of Aries. I can't say that I believe this indicates death, of course it could be negative but it could be positive too. I want to think it is positive, maybe she is just depressed or felt that walking away was her only way to provide her child with financial support, and get away from issues of her past.
At the time she went missing her mental state was very irregular and she wasn't feeling right, really her family can't be blamed. It has been two years sense Paige was last seen, and it has a lot to do with money and debt from what I can see. I hope one day we will find out where she is one day and she will return home safe and alive.
I am going to do another reading for 1:45 am 9-23-2012 and see what I can see about the case at that time. It appears at 1am she is alive and depressed.
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