Kara Elise Kopetsky

I was going to do a reading tonight on different girl, Kara Alongi. When I tried to draw a chart up for Kara Alongi Mozilla crashed twice. I figured it was just a weird coincidence that it had occurred maybe the computer is getting a virus.

When I looked up Ms. Alongi's chart that I had just put in to my data base and tried to apply it to this blog I realized I was not reading the correct Kara's chart. I went to switch the chart back to Kara Alongi's chart and get her reading up fast, but it has disappeared from my database. I find it odd because I know it was in the database and that I saved it the computer. It is not though. 

I was some how reading Kara Kopetsky's chart instead of Ms. Alongi's and some how applied that to the blog accidentally due to them having the same name. All this time I had Kara K. in my database but never read the chart or found the time to get it up. Instantly I felt guilty, I have always meant to read on Ms. Kopetsky but never really got around to it due to the length of time she has been missing. Seemed like there were always newer cases coming up and all these urgent requests from people searching and doing ground work who need locations. 

Tonight I am putting up Kara K's chart, and I am getting it out there. I hope it will help some how. She has been missing for a long time already, and basically vanished with out a trace. Venus the lord of the hour represents Kara in the 8th house of death and rebirth in mutual reception with Saturn it shows us that this beautiful girl is probably not with us any more.  Kara deserves to be found, her parents deserve to bring their daughter home dead or alive. They need and deserve answers. Sadly all I can do for Kara and her family is attempt to give clues as to where her remains might be at. Unfortunately this style of astrology often will give vague descriptions of areas and is usually not much help. How ever some times mileage and direction are found to be quite helpful.

The last planet the moon crossed over was Pluto the planet of death, the underworld, and regeneration. She was deceased the day she went missing, and this person would have killed her some how, some way, some day. She knew it too.

I would be looking for Cara in any parks that are 3 miles away from her home or school. Likely in an abandoned part of the park, or run down older part with something underground like mines, or tunnels, wells, and caves. When this part of the park is found then the water must be looked in or at. I believe she would be in the water or at least very near it in a cave, well, ect. He probably left her some where they went together but really well hidden.

With the Moon separating from a square to Saturn, that aspect sets the stage for the events that occurred. With almost all the planets above the ac and dc we can see the outer world and other people are having more influence over Kara than she is actually having on her self. Some one else is in control of these events that took place. When we see squares they will typically indicate stressful relationships or events. Two people really making each other pissed off, stressed out, and grating at each other, feeling stuck together I guess would be a good description.

We see Saturn in the 5th house and in the sign of Libra in mutual reception with Venus the lord of the hour. Libra is the sign of committed relationships, and the 5th house is the house of drug use, non committal sex, pregnancy, gambling, and most of all Parks.  Seems likely she would have met up with some one or ran into some one who she at one point had a bad relationship with that was public and known. People likely knew they were a couple, it was a bad relationship. She was punished by this person because he was so jealous and felt she met some one else. 

Here for example is William Lilly's description of this person "Ill-dignified:  Covetous and jealous. Avaricious, mistrustful. "Outwardly dissembling, sluggish, suspicious, stubborn, a condemner of women, a close liar, malicious . . . never contented, ever repining" (Lilly 58)."

 From the sextile between Mercury and Pluto I would imagine she is or has been at some point quite restless and may be trying to make contact with family members, or has made contact at some point. She has something to say. This is really not uncommon for people to do to loved ones once they have passed over, even when people die peacefully. Her family will not give up trying to find her, and will eventually because they are having trouble letting go. Who could blame them? 


  1. Hey Hi, its really an awesome information and the way you wrote is really nice and easy to understand everything.Thank you so much for your valueble info.Regards John RyanVisit for more info

  2. Can you do one on the most recent missing girl that has been connected to the man Kara was with. Her name is Jessica Runions. She was last seen with Kylr Yust who is suspected of being involved with Kara's disappearance. He was her abusive boyfriend. And Jessica and him were intimate on an undisclosed level. She has been missing sense 09/08/2016. He has been picked up for knowingly burning her vehicle but they have not found anything else.


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