Joshua Davis, New Braunfels Texas missing 2-4-11

Joshua Davis was last seen on the evening of February 4th 2011. His parents were watching the fame and think that he wandered out of the home after a friend left. His parents and the town of New Braunfels still hold out hope that one day baby Josh will be able to come home and meet his new brother Jayden.

I have done multiple readings on Joshua because I can't help but absolutely love that face. Cutest kid ever, I can't imagine that some one could possibly hurt this child. In many charts things have looked negative, but in the chart drawn up for the time of police response from what I can see there is no negativity.

Mercury, and Venus rule Joshua, both are in pretty good standing as far as planetary strength both appear to have mostly positive and some stressful aspects. Mercury is conjunct the fixed star Alair and this opens up Baby and the family to accidents and people with emotional imbalances. In astrology this fixed star is known as a mischief maker, who needed to be careful of reptiles. In many charts on Joshua there is some wierd tie to reptiles, IDK what that means but I keep getting hints on Reptiles and snakes.

The only planets that are not in really great standing are the Sun and the Moon, who I believe best represent the parents. I have seen interviews with them and I can tell they are definitely suffering and can't imagine why any one would put this beautiful young family through such hell. Joshua's poor mom was about 8 months pregnant when Joshua was abducted.The moon and Sun are in bad shape here in this chart showing the terror, heart break, and stress these poor parents are under.

The P of fortune is conjunct the fixed star Regulus in the twelfth house showing us Josh is unlikely to be found again and well concealed. It would indicate he should probably be FAR FAR from NB Texas. Regulus is other wise known as the lion's heart. It recently has entered Virgo and left Leo. It initially entered into Leo in 156 BC, Regulus is ruled by the Arch Angel Raphael, who is known for his healing abilities, and as the watcher of the North. I do believe that Baby Josh is a Leo too and so knowing that the P of Fortune is conjunct this star that is the lion's heart, and typically beneficial makes me feel good about this situation. Like he is being cared for, is alive, and is actually alright.

A lot of people believe the parents are to blame for the loss of this baby, I don't see that all in the chart though. As a matter of fact I don't think this baby was "lost" and I don't think he died or was murdered. I think he is alive and being cared for like a little king as the fixed star and P of fortune being conjunct likely indicate. Some one took this baby and probably had a plan to take him on that day. They were watching and waiting for an opportunity to take him. They are keeping him as their own child, or have sold him to people who are keeping him as their own baby. I do believe they are or were wealthy people at the time. They may have a Islamic religious back ground or connection to the parents, and desperately wanted a son or child of their own. To me this looks like an abduction turned black market adoption, barbaric to do to this family but more appealing to me than any of the alternatives that have crossed my mind over the years.

This baby's needs are being met physically and emotionally. His family life is now and was satisfying at his mom and dad's. According to the sextile between moon and Pluto he "Had a change for the better in his domestic scene", the person who took him was female and may have had other children also. This person thought that they were making the best choice for Joshua by taking him, and disagreed with the way his parents ran their household or personal lives. This could be a disgruntled female relative or acquaintance (probably relative IMO) of Josh's father, and they felt they were in the right by taking this baby or finding some one else who would take this baby and find him new more suitable living arrangements according to the moon and Venus's aspects that day.

The separating sextile of the planets Mercury and Uranus show us that in the later afternoon an opportunity to travel in some unusual way a very far distance through the help of some organization or club came up for the baby. This is a very non traditional approach or club. Uranus will often show hydro electric companies or green energy, any thing humanitarian and so forth. Either way though the sextile is a positive aspect, but we must remember that not all organizations are legal or considered good. ELF, Under ground rail road, ALF, PITA, The Red Cross, and so forth would all fall under such an organization as this one. In the end though no matter who took this baby he is alive and ok from the looks of things, and there are from what I understand organizations out there who do those sorts of things to make money.

After the Separation of Joshua's ruling planet Mercury and Uranus which rules his 5th and 6th house Mercury goes into a Sextile with Jupiter the greater benefic, said to be the luckiest planet in the solar system.  This would show some long distance travel with or to people from another culture or religion than his own family's, with a connection to his father's relatives or something. These are the kind of people who will take care of Joshua and ensure he goes on to become a college graduate, he is being provided for, and he is loved from what I can tell. He is far away psossibly in another country at this point such as the middle east and I hope this is right.

It almost feels like some illegal adoption that happened or something, he was taken then placed with wealthy people. It seems possible that he was not the only child taken as from what the chart says with Mercury being in the 5th house he was with other children then left at some child development center or school for a bit.

We can't ignore the fact that mars and the sun are also found in the 5th house though. If they were negatively aspected then I would say he was being harmed by people and taken for bad purposes, there are only good aspects though showing him playing, and having fun where ever he was taken to. There are other kids or were other kids in this place and I wonder if they were also abducted. He is an energetic, smart child who really enjoyed getting out there and being interacted with, and this was a happy time for him at first, then he wanted to go home and appears to have become with drawn refusing to interact with others. There seems to be some crazy religious or cult attachment behind this all, and they felt that they were doing this baby a favor by taking him.

They are wrong and what they did is inexcusable he needs his mom and dad. I hope Joshua is brought home to his family that loves him and misses him very much ASAP. I hope this group is caught and punished for what they are doing.
