Lisa Irwin

When I saw Lisa's little face and found out she was stolen out of her own bed I pulled up a chart right away. What a beautiful little baby, her parents appear to be just crushed. I can't even imagine. it feels like such a long time ago that she went missing. I check the news every day hoping to see she has been found safe. I have seen it happen with other missing people I have done readings on. I hope she is ok.
mercury is the ruler of this chart. There for it will be the planet that represents Lisa Irwin.  mercury is besieged between Saturn and the sun, in the dark ages when astrology was often used before going into war or to answer questions about loved ones who had gone missing this position would show an abduction, or invasion. Mercury is also in a stellium with Venus at the end. With all four of these planets it is telling me that Lisa was or is still in the company of at least three people. 
Saturn is a masculine manly planet that rules the 5th and 6th houses showing that it could be a child connection such as a father of a friend of her brothers', A day care provider, caretaker, or service provider like a contractor or plumber. the 6th house also rules tenants so I wonder if the family has any rentals or old roommates who are begrudging. Venus rules the 3rd house saying that this woman from her local area, a neighbor, or a relative such as a cousin. The sun represents a Male stranger not known to any one.I do believe these people are connected to her father not her mother. The moon just came out of a square to the sun showing an argument with a man and woman happened. It is moving on into a square to Lisa's planet Mercury with in the next day showing that the day after her abduction she met with an unfortunate fate.
Libra is the sign that we see Mercury in. The direction of this sign is West, Hilly or high ground. The area would be frequented by people may have a play ground or some type of recreational tone to it. There may be beautiful art such as marble carvings. Also coal mines. In the sabian symbols three winged butterflies are brought up too in regards to the case, as is boating. They talk about glass bottom boats. The area may have had some damages during a storm to the boat launches or a boat launch.

I am from the other side of the US, Does any one know Kansas City? Are there any places that fit this description? If there are any local people familiar with the area I would love to hear your input.
 I finally got a tarot reading done for baby Lisa. She has been on my mind all day. All day I have been on every one else's minds b/c my phone is ringing off the hook, I have just sworn to stay off it the rest of the night and get this done. There have been many new developments in the case of Lisa Irwin. A Private investigator with a very good reputation has stepped forward to try to find her. I personally believe him. He looks and talks like a guy that gets things done. I hope he can gets it figured out. 
 The first of the seven cards that  I drew was the Queen of Pentacles. In the card as you can see there is a tan complected woman with darker hair. She is middle aged to older. She probably has a garden is a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. May be very active in charities and non profits such as "Make a wish" or some thing. Probably has a good reputation. She may work in the medical profession or at a medical facility. If she doesn't work at one now, she did at one point I bet another field she would do well in would be agriculture, or food.
She is a very hard worker, and needs to have a good paying job. The good things in life are free but that isn't enough for her. She likes material items and she knows it. she probably has to work with the less fortunate in order to not feel sorry for her self. This woman is prone to trying to rely on others such as men or whom ever she has to in order to support her own well being. Buying things makes her feel good.  Needy and manipulative.
as far as location goes this is a card that would represent a field, likely agricultural. Possibly could have live stock in it such as goats.

Ahh the ten of swords. I know this is a very negative looking card, sometimes though that may not be the meaning of the card though. It indicates the end of a cycle in this card it is the end of this mans life. There are lots of other cycles though. I am glad this card is reversed in Lisa's reading. I seriously don't even want to think death could be possible in the case of this baby. The swords are violent suit though some times, and will usually show mental stresses, and confrontations. I do suppose she would be stressed out if she is living. I want to see her get home.
In this card it shows what is probably a river, with hills on the other side. A body lays on the river bed in the dark. This is a desolate area, a waste land. I would be looking along the river, ravines, ect in this town. the swords are a suit with heavy river connections though so likely we are needing to be looking in or near the river. Any place with a connection to the numbers 1 or 10.

Our next card again has the number ten. This man is being stuck carrying all ten of these wands to the market place. The load is to heavy though and he has to let it go. He can't carry all of these wands on his shoulders.
I would imagine that there is a store or market near by. A shopping center or something. It is probably closed down b/c this is also a reversed card. Wands reversed show incomplete or stagnant businesses and projects. It could be a shopping cntr. that is incomplete, closed down, taking forever to finish being built because of stalled contracts and miscommunications.Wands are a fire sign, so it could indicate fire damage to the building, or area also.

The 9 of cups upright is a great card to get in a reading indicating a wish will be granted. In Lisa's reading it is reversed. It could indicate delays and a lack of resources to support the investigation. It could also indicate that alcohol was a big part of this market place's business though. With all the cups upside down there is none left. All the alcohol spills from the cups. A closed down liquor store, burnt down liquor store? Any input on riverfront businesses who have closed down?

In the 7 of swords you see a man who just walked into an encampment and stole five swords. He left two behind though. This is the card of the thief, he is not as sneaky as he thinks though though. To me this indicates evidence being left behind probably on the ground while he was walking away from the home. It brings me back to the reports  from neighbors in the beginning of a man carrying a baby down the street in the dark around 2am. Because this is another reversed card though it shows that the truth will come out and this sneaky thief will get caught or fess up to what he did. There was evidence left behind, and I wonder if the cops already have it and are waiting on DNA testing, or some kind of  info we the public are not aware of. For some reason I feel like it is a lamp, there is some connection with a lamp. I also think it is possible this person urinated in or near the home due to a dream I had the other night. It was on some one's personal object like a toy left out side, some object. This is the type of person who has a plan and executes it.

The two of wands is a card of waiting. I hope it doesn't mean that we will be waiting for long. again though we see a business owner looking over a body of water. waiting for things to get better. there is some financial stress and they are waiting for things to improve or pick up. Maybe for insurance or contracts or something. Stalled progress on this business.

In Lisa's reading this is also a reversed card. It shows in completion, and no progress. we are looking for a incomplete project again. We see the river. We see the building. Of course it may not look like that in real life. How ever we are looking for unfinished construction, closed businesses, false starts. This card says that it would be best to go back to the beginning, and regroup. Something was possibly missed.

If you have any info that may help locate lisa, or any info in regards to the reading feel free to comment, or email me. Thank you for reading. God bless Lisa and keep her safe.

above is a link to a recent news story about Lisa and her family. It reminded me of the tarot reading. In the last card the Ace of Wands It says that something was missed. that they needed to go back and regroup again b/c something was missed. In 7 of wands the two wands are left behind, as I said it indicates that there may be evidence left in the home. On the ground like the two swords. The cops knew that the cadaver dog hit on the floor near the parent's bed indicating that there had been a dead body on the floor at one point. The day I put this reading up the police filed for the search warrant.


  1. Thanks so much for your input. Fascinating. I can see what you are saying though and as the evidence unfolds things don't look great. I am at a forked road though with this case and can't really say what I think has happened (I still haven't made up my mind)..

  2. Is there any chance of you doing a new reading on this case?


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