Lisa Irwin Update New chart

Due to recent developments in the case of Baby Lisa I drew a new chart up. This time for 6:40pm when the mother claims to have put Lisa to bed. I am only re doing this chart for the new time frame b/c I am hoping to see whether or not there is anything that may change.

In this chart We see the early degrees of Aries rising. Uranus is technically in the first house b/c it is with in 6 degrees of the first house cusp. Seated in the first house is the black moon Lilith who is typically not given much attention in horary astrology. However I do think it means something, and may show us where any stress is coming from for baby by the aspects Lilith gets. Not one Aspect is positive there are three oppositions, and one square. The tightest most powerful aspect is the square with the moon who is the fourth house ruler. The fourth house is the house of the father, home, grave. this makes me think that one possible scenario is Lisa was taken by an open enemy to this family and sold for profit internationally. The moon would show us trips over seas, Jupiter international travel. With Jupiter being retrograde though I really can't say that this is travel for positive purposes, it may indicate that baby Lisa will be returned or found. I sure hope so.

Jupiter is the lord of the hour, there for representing Lisa, and giving us a little info about the events and energy surrounding that time of the evening. A retrograde signifigator is never a positive indicator in a horary chart. It can mean things such as "what is stolen is returned but in damaged condition". Taurus is a fixed earth sign, showing us she may be low down to the ground in a wooded area. Jupiter rules churches, travel, financial endeavors. In this chart it rules Lisa's 9th house of travel, religion, Jupiter is the almuten of the 12th house of secrets and the ruler of the out come of the 8th house of death. i would like to say that on a positive note Sagittarius rules the 9th house and is the sign of travel, colleges (the Tigers are in KS aren't they?), it also rules the day Thursday so the 6th of Oct. would have likely been a day for international travel for Lisa if she was in fact taken out of the country.

Sunday and Monday the 2nd and 3rd of Oct are days that MUST be closely looked into as that is when the Mars Jupiter square was moving into it's exact aspect. By the fourth it is moving OUT of the aspect. Showing that the energy was weakening by the 4th when Lisa went missing.
IN this chart Lisa's other signifactor and chart ruler is Mars. we see Mars in the fifth house, in the sign of Leo. The day mars leaves Leo and goes into Virgo will be 11-11-11 Baby Lisa's first birthday. The day of Leo is Sunday. SO WHAT happened on Sunday? Two days before baby disappeared?
A few of the things that stand out most though is the cardinal cross on this chart. Pluto is conj. the MC showing that it looks like we will not receive very good news. I hope that my impression is wrong. Pluto and Uranus are in a square with Uranus at the AC in Aries. Showing a possible head injury. With Uranus it would be an accident, Aries rules the head. They are both fairly explosive (Uranus and Aries). Uranus can indicate sudden and out of the blue separation. Uranus is moving into an opposition with the vertex conj the 7th house cusp. All these planets conj every angle on the chart excluding the fourth house is alarming to me. The fourth house ruler the moon is in Capricorn in conjunction the 11th house. I wonder is dad a Union member? What group does he belong to? Who knew he would be at work at that mom would be drinking heavily that night? Who does the dog know well enough that there would be no chance of it barking? Where is this baby?! Who took her from her family? Who knew them well enough to know he was gone that night and she was drunk? Please bring this little one home to her family Safe and Sound.

I am also adding the Sabian and Kozminsky symbols for each planet's degree in this chart.Sometimes they can provide clues into what may have happened, or to locations.

The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic images associated with the 360 degrees of the zodiacal circle. They were given birth in San Diego, California, in 1925 by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, an extraordinary clairvoyant. Today, the 360 symbols are widely used in astrology in order to gain a deeper understanding of the influence of a planet located at that degree.

Sun in Libra 12Sabian Symbol: A worker's shift is finished and the miners emerge from their grimy hole into daylight and life above ground.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man falling from an insecure and broken bridge into a dark pit below.

Moon in Capricorn 22Sabian Symbol: The defeated general yields up his sword but in failure he wins for his cause a dignity that is real success.
Kozminsky Symbol: A hawk standing on a square black rock bathed in the rays of the rising sun.

Mercury in Libra 17Sabian Symbol: A retired sea-captain, still resplendent in his uniform, frequents the docks from which the world's commerce departs.
Kozminsky Symbol: A beautifully formed foot rising from a haze of color-waves.

Venus in Libra 25Sabian Symbol: A little boy, rebellious against school, watches a fluttering autumn leaf that seems to spell out his lesson for him.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman naked standing on a crescent moon, the stars glittering behind her in a sky of blue.

Mars in Leo 10Sabian Symbol: Everywhere there is a sparkle and nature is revealed in pastel colors; the early morning dew salutes the sunlight.
Kozminsky Symbol: A soldier rescuing a wounded comrade on a field of battle - a dark, sinister figure rising behind him.

Jupiter in Taurus 9Sabian Symbol: A Christmas tree, bending with its weight of gifts, is illuminated at the end of a vast darkened hall.
Kozminsky Symbol: A farmer driving a cart filled with fruit, at which birds are pecking.

Saturn in Libra 20Sabian Symbol: In a tiny room ridiculously cluttered with manuscripts and books sits a Jewish rabbi at ease with self and world.
Kozminsky Symbol: A young girl amidst the flowers in the sunlight wearing a garland of roses and weaving others.

Uranus in Aries 3Sabian Symbol: A cameo profile of a man that suggests the outline of his country.
Kozminsky Symbol: A prince saving a child from a burning castle.

Neptune in Aquarius 29Sabian Symbol: The beautifully winged insect has just come forth into glorious adult being on completion of its metamorphosis.
Kozminsky Symbol: Forked lightning surrounded by stars amidst storm-clouds.

Pluto in Capricorn 5Sabian Symbol: An American Indian encampment rests by the side of a canoe-filled stream and on shore the war dance commences.
Kozminsky Symbol: A winged urn from which water is pouring on to the parched earth. Where the water falls vegetation springs forth luxuriantly.

Ascendant in Aries 7Sabian Symbol: A man comes forward flushed with the successful and simultaneous expression of himself in two separate realms.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man saving himself from falling into a deep cavern by clutching a wild rose-tree. The thorns cut into his flesh but the plant supports him.

MC in Capricorn 4Sabian Symbol: A group of merry-makers are embarking in a large canoe on the magic little lantern-lit lake at the resort.
Kozminsky Symbol: Persephone rising gracefully from the under to the upper world. The sun is shining, and the surrounding country is rich in fields of corn, fruits, birds, and flowers, whilst butterflies are sporting round her head.

 If you have any thing that you would like to contribute to this reading, whether fact or opinion based please feel free to comment. Regardless of your opinion please pray that this baby is brought home, pray for her family. We really don't know the facts yet, lets hope they come out soon.

In closing this reading I would like to add that I will be adding a tarot reading also.
