I was asked to do a reading by a fellow diviner on Billy some time ago. He has been missing for 8 months now. He disappeared on Super Bowl Sunday, walking home from a friend's after watching the game.
As you can see in the chart there is a massive stellium in the 8th house. The moon rules this chart and will be used to represent Billy. Cancer rising gives a domestic watery quality. It would indicate that this is a time to with draw and look inside one's self to gain control of emotions tword the family of the individual Cancer has a connection to water, hospitals, women's homes.
With The moon being in the tenth house in Aries and the chart rising in cancer I feel like looking NE in wooded areas with bodies of water connected to the name "Micheal", or the number 5. I would also reccomend looking 5 miles to the North east of his home, and the home he was last seen at near any water or land prone to flooding. Due to the fact cardinal signs rule the cross of this chart I don't believe that Billy is far from home. I don't think Billy is in an area that is desolate. There are still people around and movement. Such as people driving by, but maybe not on foot. Could be a state park that people go hunting, fishing, or hiking at. It would likely be well kept or manicured area. The ground is Sandy, and likely a river, pond, ect is near by.
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